Report on JSBS to the SBI President,
Board, and Membership


It’s a pleasure to report on the progress of the Journal of Small Business Strategy.  I very much regret, however, that due to family health issues, I cannot be present at the conference. Dr. Welsh graciously agreed to provide this brief report on my behalf.


Overall, JSBS is doing very well! The number of submissions is continuing to provide a good flow of manuscripts, allowing for the publication of very good quality articles. My first JSBS issue after becoming Editor was published in April 2012. With the latest two issues going to the printer, we have produced six issues in a little less than two years. So we are gaining ground and producing three issues a year as compared to the usual objective of two.


Exceptionally helpful in this regard has been Dianne Welsh serving as a Special Issue guest coeditor with Domingo Ribeiro, based on papers from a high quality research conference in Spain. A special THANKS goes to them!


Another development has been inviting distinguished researchers in the entrepreneurship discipline, including the publication of manuscripts from Frank Hoy, Dale Meyer, Kelly Shaver, Alex Stewart and Tom Lumpkin.


Going forward, we need to increase the number of reviewers to accelerate the review process.  Also, please consider this to be a call for Special Topic Guest editors.  Please see the JSBS flier here at the conference that requests 1-2 pages of related information so our committee can select new reviewers and special editors.


Finally, I thank my colleagues at Bradley University for their excellent work, including Jim Foley heading operations, Jennie Hale, Miao Ren, and Elizabeth Knapinski. We have launched a new Turner SCHOOL of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and JSBS is an important asset in this regard.


Most of all I thank you, the members of SBI, for carrying out important research!


Respectfully submitted,


Gerry Hills

Turner Chairholder, Turner School of

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 

Bradley University



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