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Exhibitor/Sponsor Benefits

The annual SBI Conference offers a range of marketing and promotional benefits. Providing sponsors with the opportunity to contact and engage their target market through exposure at the conference site, the annual conference is a unique marketing opportunity.  Educator participants in the annual SBI conference determine approximately $500,000 to $1,000,000 in student-entrepreneur purchases per academic year.

Basic exhibitor/sponsor benefits start at $500 for the length of the conference and include:

Media Affiliation with the conference including:

  • Logo on SBI Conference webpage
  • Logo in Conference Program
  • Acknowledgement of exhibitors/sponsors during luncheon program on Friday

Promotional Materials Placement

  • Standard conference table with available electric outlets
  • Conference personnel will arrange to put up your inflatable, banners, logo signs (no more than 6’ tall x 3’ wide and 3’ deep on inflatables and 6’ x 3’ on banners, please), and materials if your organizational personnel are unable to attend

Coupon and Sampling

  • Hand to Hand transfer of marketing materials/coupons through registration booth at beginning of conference

In addition to the basic exhibitor/sponsor benefits, the conference has opportunities for higher-level sponsorship opportunities.  These sponsorship options include our Bronze, Silver and Gold opportunities delineated below:

Bronze Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsors - $1,000
Bronze sponsors will enjoy the following benefits in addition to the basic exhibitor/sponsor benefits shown above:

  • Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor plus free 1/4th-page advertisement in the Conference Program
  • Logo Placement on Conference Registration Package Envelopes
  • Electronic Fact Sheet File (maximum of 1Mb) on Conference Proceedings CD
  • General Conference Support
  • Host up to two of your personnel for each conference-related meal and networking event for the duration of the conference. 

Silver Sponsorship
Silver Sponsors - $2,000
Silver sponsors receive all of the benefits of the exhibitor/sponsor and Bronze levels plus the following:

  • Recognition as a Silver Sponsor plus free half-page advertisement in the Conference Program
  • Logo placement (banner) for:
  • SBI Fellows Program Events
  • Special Events (e.g. Receptions and Keynote Speaker Lunches/Dinners)
  • Each Pre-Conference Session
  • All Conference Meals
  • Electronic Fact Sheet File (maximum of 2Mb) on Conference Proceedings CD

Gold Sponsorship
Gold Sponsors - $3,000 (see scholarships awards below)
Gold sponsors receive all of the benefits of the exhibitor/sponsor and Silver levels plus the following:

  • Recognition as a Gold Sponsor plus free full-page advertisement in the Conference Program
  • Sole Sponsorship recognition for opening reception
  • Logo placement (banner) for:
  • Each Award Ceremony:
  • Project of the Year
  • Competitive Paper Awards (9 separate tracks, 4 Best Paper awards)
  • Electronic Fact Sheet File (maximum of 5Mb) on Conference Proceedings CD



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